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Clean Water Filters - Made in Arusha


Updated: Jan 20

A child with fresh clean water

We are really excited to bring you news of our latest community support initiative - the regional distribution of locally made ceramic water filters to families.

Contaminated water is a major problem in Tanzania, and no less so than in the regions visited by safari tourists, either the regions we pass through on the way or the community areas adjacent to national parks. The UN claim that up to 40% of Tanzanians do not have access to fresh clean water.

Water that is in the taps is unsafe basically, and it contains 109 known pathogens that cause illnesses from upset stomachs to cholera and typhoid. Most communities, however, do not have tap water and collect water from puddles and water holes - which are often shared by domestic and wild animals, making the water even higher risk.

Over the last few years we have seen an increase in the desire of travellers to engage more with the local people. This is a lovely development as it is a great experience for them, to immerse themselves in a different culture, but it is also a day of excitement for many communities, especially those in more rural areas.

Initially, our plan was to quietly go about distributing these filters, but then we thought it would be nice to share the act of giving with your tourists. An act which will help protect men, women and children from life-threatening diseases and our offer is simply this. For every group that travels with us, we will donate on their behalf a water filter to a family and give training on its correct use. The group is welcome to participate as it will only take about 30 minutes, but either way, a Tanzanian family will benefit from a lifetime supply of safe water. 

Made locally in Arusha, the filter is made from a mix of charcoaled sawdust, clay and colloidal silver and is effective for 99.99% of microbes. There is no need to use energy or wood fires to boil and the burned sawdust restores a crisp fresh natural water flavour. It s a simple system, easy to use and required a low maintenance regime of washing monthly

More information can be found here

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